“I’d like to create a new SharePoint column with a Power Automate flow, is there some easy way to define its schema, e.g. using SP interface?”
Category: Application specific solutions
How to assign the next custom ID using SP and Power Automate
“I’m creating custom id for each new SP item, how do I get the latest one so I can increment it within Power Automate flow?”
Get more than 256 rows from an Excel file in Power Automate
“I’m trying to turn my Excel file into a csv, but the Power Automate flow exports only the first 256 rows, how do I get the rest…?”
Get list of all documents with unique permissions (Power Automate)
“I’d like to restore permissions on all documents in a SharePoint library, how can I list files with unique permissions in Power Automate?”
Add unique ID to rows in Excel file for your Power Automate flow
“There’s no unique ID in my Excel file making it hard to use in Power Automate flow, is there an easy way to add such ID?”
How to find Excel rows missing in SharePoint list (Power Automate)
“My Power Automate flow is adding rows from Excel into SharePoint daily, but it’s so slow, is there a quicker way to find the missing rows?”
How to highlight whole SharePoint row based on calculated date
“Is it possible to not only change colour in a specific cell, but to highlight the whole SharePoint row when using calculated date field?”
Add sublink to SharePoint navigation with Power Automate
“I’d like to organise the SharePoint navigation a bit, can I use Power Automate to create a sublink under a main link?”
Remove member from Teams private channels in Power Automate
“Can I use Power Automate to remove user from all private channels in a Team, even if I don’t know whether he’s a member?”
Add member to Teams private channel with Power Automate
“I’d like to manage Teams private channels from a single place, can I build a Power Automate flow that’ll add a new member to such channel?”