“My Power Automate processes get stuck when approvers go on holiday / get sick / leave the company, is there some workaround for their task delegation?”
Where to enable resubmission of manual Power Automate flows
“What’s this ‘Flow run resubmissions are disabled for instant flows’ message, how to enable resubmission of manual Power Automate flows?”
How to automatically resubmit expired Power Automate flow
“Do I really have to manually resubmit Power Automate flows that expired after 30 days, can’t I somehow do it automatically?”
How to get Power Automate flow information directly in the flow run
“I have so many environment variables to keep the flow / environment information, can I somehow get it directly in the Power Automate flow?”
How to remove old Power Automate approval task(s)
“The users complain about having too many tasks from expired Power Automate flows, can I somehow remove these old task(s)?”
Building Power Automate flow that’ll keep flows turned on
“I just noticed that one of my Power Automate flows wasn’t running for weeks, how can I make sure they keep turned on?”
Check if date is empty in SharePoint JSON formatting
“I’m using JSON formatting to highlight specific SharePoint rows, but it doesn’t work when the date is empty.”
How to manage user security roles with Power Automate flow
“I don’t want to ask platform admins each time there’s a change in user security roles, can I manage them myself with Power Automate flow?”
Compare two arrays (e.g. SharePoint lists) using Power Automate
“I have SharePoint lists with users and registrations, how can I compare the lists (arrays), to see if everyone is registered using Power Automate?”
Fix the SP ‘list not found’ error in Power Automate http request
“The HTTP request to SharePoint keeps giving me the ‘list not found’ error, but the list exists, why can’t Power Automate find it?”