“I’m trying to list the user assigned to a Planner task, but all I can get from Power Automate is some complicated text without any names in it.”
Search Results for: html
Build a report with new, closed and open Planner tasks (Power Automate)
“Can I use Power Automate to produce a daily report of the Planner tasks? I’d like to see the new tasks, open tasks, etc.”
How to add hyperlink to a Teams message sent by Power Automate
“I’d like to add a clickable hyperlink, but Power Automate sends the Teams message as a plain text and it is not recognizing the tags. Any suggestion how to make it work?”
Display SharePoint time in the correct time zone with Power Automate
“My Power Automate report contains SharePoint date & time field, but the time is off by a few hours, how can I display the right time {in my time zone)?”
Send multiple SharePoint reminders in a single Power Automate flow
“Can I send multiple reminders months/weeks/days before a date with a single Power Automate flow, without repeating the actions?”
Send one email per user with multiple SharePoint items in Power Automate
“I built a reminder flow in Power Automate, but it’s sending one email per SharePoint item, how can I group all user’s items into one email?”
How to order SharePoint items returned by ‘Get items’ in Power Automate
“Is it possible to use multiple fields in the ‘Order By’ Power Automate OData filter on a SharePoint ‘Get items’ action? i.e. sort by Title and Date field?”
How to add new line (‘\n’) to a string in Power Automate
“I am building a Power Automate flow and need to append values into a string variable, how can I add a new line/line feed into the variable”
How to use ‘missing’ date dynamic content in Power Automate expression
“I’m missing the ‘dynamic content’ with a date when building an expression to formatDateTime(…) in Power Automate, where did it go?”‘
JSON instead of SharePoint hyperlink column (Power Automate)
“I built a Power Automate flow that copies excel rows to a SharePoint list, but I can’t get the hyperlink column to update both, a description and a link.”