“I stored the environment specific link in an environment variable but PowerApps are now asking for a premium license!”
How to store and load JSON in PowerApps
“I’d like to store complex data without creating too many columns, can I use JSON to store and load it within PowerApps?”
Restore your Power Automate flow from a backup
“It’s great to have a backup, but what about building another Power Automate flow that’ll restore the flow from this backup?”
How to automatically backup your Power Automate flows
“Is there some way to keep previous versions of Power Automate flows, a chance of restoring a backup if something goes wrong?”
Which files were removed from the PowerApps attachment control?
“I know how to upload new attachment using the attachments control in PowerApps, but how do I recognise files that were removed?”
How to disable specific item in PowerApps gallery
“I’d like to only show some items in the PowerApps gallery, is there a way to disable only specific item, make it unselectable?”
Make sure user(s) exist on SharePoint site with Power Automate
“I’m trying to update SharePoint people picker field using user id, but the Power Automate http request tells me the user doesn’t exist!”
Generate Teams meeting url with Power Automate flow
“I’m done with Outlook yet I still need to create Teams meetings, can I somehow generate the meeting url, e.g. with Power Automate flow?”
Using “mapping table” in your Power Automate flow
“I have a list of codes that must be translated into full names, how can I include such mapping table in my Power Automate flow?”
Share SharePoint file to external email address (Power Automate)
“I’d like to share file only to specific external email addresses, not everyone with a link, is that doable in Power Automate flow?”