“I just created a bunch of Planner tasks using Power Automate and now I’d like to send users link to each task, is that possible?”
Search Results for: html
Get unique users from various people picker columns (Power Automate)
“I am able to get unique value for single column in Power Automate, but how to approach more people picker columns and get unique values?”
How to add SP items table to approval task details in Power Automate
“I’d like to add a table with SharePoint items to the Power Automate approval task details, but it’s a total mess!”
How to format numbers (currency, percentage,…) in Power Automate
“I’m using Power Automate to send an email with proposal after it’s approved, but the numbers format for price and percentage look terrible.”
Stop Power Automate flow from adding ‘Apply to each’ automatically
“Sometimes when I use specific dynamic content, Power Automate adds the ‘Apply to each’ action automatically, how can I stop it?”
Export Planner task status as text instead of percentage (Power Automate)
“Power Automate allows me to get the Planner task progress as a percentage rather than as ‘Not started’, ‘In progress’, or ‘Completed’ text.”
Power Automate trigger condition based on SP multiple choice field value
“I have a SharePoint multiple choice field: Red, Green, Blue, and I want the Power Automate flow to trigger if Red is one of those choices.”
How to store Planner assigned users in SharePoint with Power Automate
“How can I use Power Automate to create a SharePoint list item including the information which users is the Planner task assigned to?”
Get previous value(s) of modified SharePoint column(s) in Power Automate
“Can I use Power Automate to send an email with the previous and new value in a SharePoint column? Ideally only the changed columns.”
Export Planner assigned users into Excel with Power Automate
“I’m stuck on exporting Planner tasks to Excel because some task are assigned to multiple users and Power Automate doesn’t store names in a string!”