“I can’t believe Power Automate is missing such a basic functionality as a possibility to sort an array!”
Copy multiple choice values between SP lists (Power Automate)
“I’m trying to synchronise two SP lists using Power Automate flow, but it doesn’t copy the multiple choice column values properly.”
How to search in the email text using Power Automate flow
“I’d like to get all emails with a specific topic keyword, can I use Power Automate to search in the email text?”
Access SharePoint columns after ‘Filter array’ in Power Automate
“How do I access the SharePoint columns to add to the HTML table, I see only two outputs from the ‘Filter array’ Power Automate action.”
Add value based colours to HTML table created by Power Automate
“I’d like to add some colours to an HTML table, can Power Automate use different colours based on the cell value?”
Split items array in halves for faster processing in Power Automate
“I feel limited by the 50 parallel branches in Power Automate, can I somehow split the input array into halves to process it faster?”
Update multiple Excel rows with the same key in Power Automate
“I’m trying to update multiple rows in an Excel file with Power Automate, but it keeps overwriting the data on the first row!”
How to handle MS Forms with no attachments in Power Automate
“How should I modify my Power Automate flow to save Microsoft Forms data even when there’re no attachments?”
Allow users to manage emails content outside of Power Automate
“I’d like to give users the possibility to manage their own emails that’ll be sent by a Power Automate without sharing the flow”
Parse data from an HTML table in an email with Power Automate
“I receive an email with data summary in a table, how can I parse the data from there using Power Automate flow?”